Anytime you’re near the water, it’s imperative to prioritize safety. This includes when you’re on a dock. A simple slip and fall while walking to your boat can lead to a significant injury if you’re not careful. Fortunately, there are ways to minimize dock safety risks by following a few best practices.

Dock Safety 101

Creating a safe dock environment is important for everyone. When considering the needs of your property, keep these areas in mind.

Lastly, an important part of dock safety is communicating with all dock users about best practices for staying safe while on the dock. It’s also beneficial to post safety signage and emergency procedures so everyone knows what to do if an accident were to occur.

Keep your family and friends safe while enjoying your dock by staying on top of safety and maintenance considerations. To learn more about what you can do to improve the safety and longevity of your custom dock, get in touch with us at RDS Dock Hardware today. All our products are manufactured in New Hampshire and Minnesota and are made to withstand the most demanding conditions.