Depending on the size of your dock, you may have room for additional dock accessories to enhance your use and enjoyment of the shoreline. Once such accessory is a dock bench.

Benches offer the perfect place to sit back, relax and enjoy your waterfront views. They can also be a good place to watch your kids or grandkids as they splash in the water (and hopefully don’t splash you!).

Installing a dock bench is not hard – it’s an easy weekend DIY for most dock owners. With a little planning and preparation, you’ll be well on your way to catching the next sunset from your new shoreline bench.

What to Consider When Installing a Dock Bench

Installing a dock bench gives you even more reasons to enjoy your waterfront, and our bench kits make it an easy DIY project. To learn more about custom dock design, dock hardware and accessories, contact us at RDS Dock Hardware. We’ve been designing long-lasting dock systems in the U.S. since 1986 and can help you get started with yours today.